following Declaration was made at the 14th International Conference
of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies held in Brussels,
Belgium from 5- 8 September 2002.
Declaration on Assisted Dying
are healthcare professionals attending the 14th World Conference of
the World Federation of Right to Die Societies being held in Brussels
from 5-8 Steptmber 2002.
note that the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states
that no one shall be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment, and
that it stresses the importance of personal autonomy. The European Convention
on Human Rights reinforces the same principles.
in mind these Human Rights Declarations, we believe that all competent
adults, who are suffering unbearably with incurable illness, should
have the choice to obtain medical help to die if this is their rational,
persistent and voluntary request after all other options, including
those offered by palliative medicine, have been fully considered.
note that such medical assistance, with strict safeguards, is already
possible in Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Oregon (USA).
We strongly believe that this fundamental choice should be extended,
as soon as possible, to other areas of the world, especially where the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is much respected.